A Coal Mining Risk Assessment (CMRA) has been a statutory planning requirement since 2011 for developing high-risk areas, where shallow coal mining voids may exist. Patrick Parsons’ CMRA reports are compiled using data supplied by the Coal Authority, British Geological Survey and other sources of information such as the Durham Mining Museum and the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Approximately 75% of sites where a CMRA has been undertaken will recommend a physical investigation of the ground to confirm the underground mining status.

Coal Mining
We have extensive expertise in ground investigation for former mining features, including:
  • Rotary openhole and coring
  • Trial pits and trial trenches
  • Mine gas and risk assessment for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, oxygen depletion and hydrogen sulphide
  • Application of geophysics
From our desk based Coal Mining Risk Assessments (CMRAs) and field-based investigations, we will the provide design advice to mitigate legacy mining risk such as:
  • Drilling and grouting design and specification
  • Costing of mine working stabilisation
  • Mine shaft cap design
  • Foundation design, mitigation and advice
  • Mitigation for the design of roads and car parks
  • Obtaining regulatory approval
Coal Mining

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